Professional bodies push for commitment on tax simplification
The ATT, in conjunction with the five other leading tax and accountancy professional bodies, has written a letter regarding tax simplification to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury (FST) Victoria Atkins MP as a follow up to a previous joint letter.
Since the original letter, the combined signatories have met with HMRC and HM Treasury to discuss their nine recommendations, as included in their letter, to help the Government deliver on its objectives, and agreed to meet regularly to discuss progress on simplification. As part of this commitment, we are compiling ideas for simplification 'quick wins' to be shared with HMRC and HM Treasury. If you have any ideas in this area you would like to share, please email us.
The combined signatories have asked the FST for a written response to their previous letter, and for her views of the nine recommendations to embed simplification in tax policy and administration to demonstrate the Government's commitment to simplification. We will publish Ms Atkins' response in due course.