Hear from employers

Grant Thornton

By having our tax school-leavers and graduates start with the ATT qualification, we know that they will achieve a qualification that gives them the knowledge to deal with the most complex tax compliance.  This is essential for the clients that we work with.

The ATT qualification also provides a great foundation for providing tax advice and teaches our trainees how to use and interpret the tax legislation.  At Grant Thornton, we develop our trainees to become Tax Advisers; encouraging them to be involved in advisory work from an early stage in their career, and their ATT studies are essential to being able to do this.  The majority of our tax trainees complete ATT before moving on to the Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) qualification.  The ATT qualification gives them the skills needed to perform well in these exams and also in their day job.


The training provides employees with a good foundation knowledge of the tax system, which is relevant to our tax business and gives them Tax Technician status. ATT provides the basis for obtaining the CTA qualification and, with the new Tax Pathway route, this can be achieved quicker, reducing time out of the business and cost. 

Training providers of ATT offer online course offerings which affords students and the business flexibility and reduces overall costs.

Abbey Tax 

The ATT provides wider exposure to the UK tax regime. This is essential for our Advisory roles. We advise on all areas of direct and indirect tax, and the ATT is hugely beneficial when looking at these areas. As one of our ATT students puts it: “I like that the ATT will provide a far broader tax knowledge than I could have obtained at HMRC, where work of a certain nature tends to be centralised and dealt with by specialist teams (minimising exposure for people not within those teams). As well as providing a general background, ATT offers the flexibility for you to choose the area that you want to specialise in, which can complement the job holder’s role.”